200+ Basic Keyboard Shortcuts That Make you Keyboard Expert

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keys that help you perform tasks quickly on your computer. They are useful in both daily life and professional life because they save time and make working on a computer easier.

In Daily Life:

  • Save Time: You can do things faster, like copying text (Ctrl+C) or pasting text (Ctrl+V).
  • Easy Navigation: Move around documents and web pages quickly without using the mouse, like scrolling up and down (Arrow keys).
  • Improve Efficiency: Open new tabs in your web browser (Ctrl+T) or switch between open applications (Alt+Tab).

In Professional Life:

  • Boost Productivity: Quickly save your work (Ctrl+S) or undo mistakes (Ctrl+Z).
  • Streamline Tasks: Format documents easily, like bolding text (Ctrl+B) or finding specific words (Ctrl+F).
  • Enhance Workflow: Use shortcuts specific to your software, like Excel (Ctrl+Shift+L to filter data) or Photoshop (Ctrl+N to create a new file).

Overall, keyboard shortcuts help you work faster and more efficiently, making tasks simpler and saving valuable time.

Here are 100 keyboard shortcuts that can make life easy.

1.Ctrl+C:Copy Text Or Images.

2.Ctrl+V:Paste Copied Text Or Images.

3.Ctrl+Z:Undo An Action.



6.Ctrl+N:Open A New Window Or Document.

7.Ctrl+S:Save A File Or Document.

8.Ctrl+P:Print A File Or Document.

9.Ctrl+O:Open A File Or Document.


11.Alt+Tab:Switch Between Open Windows.


13.Ctrl+F1-F12:Access Function Keys(varies by program).



16.Alt+F4:Close The Current Window.


18.F5:Refresh Or Reload Window.

19.F3:Search For A File Or Folder.

20.Ctrl+R:Refresh Or Reload A Window.




24.Ctrl+E:Center Align Selected Text.


26.Ctrl+R:Right Align Selected Text.

27.Ctrl+1-5:Changefontsize(varies by program).

28.Ctrl+0:Reset Font Size To Default.

29.Ctrl+Shift+>:Increase Font Size.

30.Ctrl+Shift+<:Decrease Font Size.

Benefits of High-Quality Keyboards

Using a good quality keyboard can improve your productivity and typing experience. High-quality keyboards offer:

  • – Better tactile feedback and key travel, making typing more accurate and comfortable.
  • – Durability and resistance to wear and tear, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • – Ergonomic design, reducing strain on your hands and wrists.
  • – Customizable keys and shortcuts, allowing you to personalize your workflow.
  • – Improved connectivity options, such as wireless or USB capabilities.

Investing in a high-quality keyboard can enhance your overall computing experience, reduce eye strain and fatigue, and increase your efficiency.

My name is Peter Anderson, and I am an expert content writer with over six years of experience. I created Datatellme.com to share my knowledge and provide valuable information on a variety of topics that are often underrepresented on the internet.

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